I've been told that Earth Hour is a worldwide thing so presumably you'd know what I'm talking about when I talk about my escapades during this year's dark hour. If not, as you may have guessed it involves turning off all the lights and all the appliances and sitting in the dark for an hour, which is actually quite fun usually. You sit around in candlelight glaring at any neighbours who are not participating (a completely pointless exercise obviously, as they wouldn't be able to see you normally, let alone squinting from your dark house).
This year my sister mother and I camped out in the living room around my various scavenged candles that I managed to find in my room cleaning efforts of today. We ate cheesecake and I lay on the rug listening to the Remember Me score and Hayden on my mp3 player and making shadow puppets on the walls. Over this next year I'm going to learn more so that next year's display can be more impressive haha.
Hayden is a recent and completely random discovery of mine. I went into one of my favourite clothes/music stores and saw that half their music stock was on sale for $1o or $15. I selected a few known artists that I wanted and then collected ones with album covers that I liked and asked the lovely man at the counter to recommend me one based on this. It worked wonderfully. Who says you can't judge things by their covers...although that's usually only said about books, so maybe it doesn't apply to cd's.
'In Field & Town' is Canadien artist Hayden Desser's 7th album and has a lovely soft Indie sound. My favourite song, by lyrics alone is called Lonely Security Guard:
Oh so lonely security guard, he looks so mean from afar,
but when you get up close you'll see,
he could not hurt a flea.
He stands there in the heat,
looking straight down at at his feet,
and with his hands and an old receipt,
he makes a swan so real it breathes.
Oh so lonely security guard, can make you cry with a business card
can make a cricket from a parking ticket,
can make a bird from some thrown out words,
But he cannot control this herd,
'cause he does not look up when he should.
He relies on the people's good,
a big mistake in this neighborhood.
Oh so lonely security guard, didn't notice me at all,
so I grabbed the first thing I saw,
and walked right out the front door,
But he had just made a paper sword,
and threw me right down on the floor.
And everyone standing near that store,
witnessed a one-sided war.
Origami Security guard, he looks so mean from afar,
but when you get up close you'll see,
that he's no cup of tea.
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