Friday, 16 July 2010

The flower said 'I wish I was a tree'

Today was the Birthday of one of my friends. It was a lovely day of breakfast for lunch, cakes in the park, Toy Story 3 (second time for me, and I will probably see it again) and tree climbing.

I finally got to wear one of my new Melbourne dresses! One dress I have been wearing for about a week now but I hadn't had a chance to wear the others yet. I still have one to go but I have to fix a button on it and find the right slip to wear under it. It might also be a strictly summer dress. I haven't decided.

This dress I really wanted to wear with red tights. I do have some on order, but they aren't here yet. I can't wait til I have red tights and it's more summery and I don't have to wear a top under it. I wore a new broach today as well. It's from my favourite shop in Melbourne and is titled 'Flying Fox.' The shop is called Subject to Change and is not my favourite so much because of what is in it, though it does have good things of course, but rather because of the guy who works there. He remembered that I went into his shop one time, even though it was a year between visits and I didn't buy anything the first time. I thought that was impressive and we got chatting. He has similar tastes in music, though it runs more to my parent's bands. I think he would get along splendidly with both mum and dad, same age group and interests. So I like to stop by and visit him every time I am in Melbourne.

It is my own Birthday in exactly one week.

need to get my fringe cut, I am going slightly blind

there's some great pictures on these wall, created by cleaning the walls into a picture

lighting candles in the wind is great fun...

Flying Fox


1 comment:

  1. Looks like a lovely day, and I love that song in the title!
