I have to say, I am getting pretty excited about the new Tim Burton take on Alice in Wonderland. In just a few days over a month it will be in cinemas and in delightful 3D glory. I have always been a particular fan of the world of Lewis Carol and I elected to study the story of Alice for my Advanced English HSC paper. I thought it was very appropriate to the topic of 'Imaginative Journey.'
Last year I turned 20 and decided to ring in the new age with an Alice In Wonderland themed birthday party. I made the guests play croquet and participate in 3 legged races and tea cup relays as well as musical chairs.
I painted roses red and cooked up a tea party storm of wonderful proportions.
And the guests turned up, for the most part, in costumed glory. Everyone looked stunning.
But my main reason for blogging about this is I made my own costume, pretty much from head to toe. I made the ears, earrings, neck tie, ruffle tail, shorts, anklet and steampunk style WR badge that you can't really see as it was on my tails coat that I added when night fell.
A friend and I are going to go and see Alice In Wonderland in 3D at the Imax cinema in Sydney, which according to a Scottish guy is the largest in the world? The things you learn from tourists...however that could also just be the Australian hyperbole. I want to dress up and insist my friend dress up also. I figure i already have the costume?
The only problem is I wore this in the middle of winter, and it is now the middle of summer here. Eeewww. Tights are therefore not ideal, but essential to the outfit! Do you see my dilemma? Also Sydney is a 3 hour train trip away and I've done that trip in a corset before much to the disgust of my internal organs... but it is possible. All for the name of fashion and fun?

unfortunately you are stuck looking at me. (you can also see the evidence of my
second unsuccessful attempt at the 3 legged race)

Hope you have enjoyed.