I've moved house and even settled in to a degree. Half my room is unpacked, well at least all the clothes, books, cds and DVDS are away. I now have an antique wardrobe instead of my magical TARDIS and I also have a wrought iron clothes rack. Jackets, skirts and tops and shoes go in the wardrobe. Dresses go on the clothing rack, which I have already filled. I now have even more respect for my TARDIS which now lives in my art studio out the back. I have no idea how I fit everything in it! Once I get everything sorted (it's currently acting as a storage shed for things we haven't unpacked yet) I will take great delight in covering it in inspiration and making clothes and art within it.
The floors in our house were clearly not replaced after the flood here and walking from one end of the house is a bit like walking on the ocean. Everything is uneven and propped up by folded bits of cardboard but strangely I don't mind it here that much. I certainly never want to move again. I had 17 boxes of books alone!
I have a few new dresses, some I have yet to even wear. This one I purchased yesterday and took the opportunity to wear this morning.
In other news a friend of mine recently purchased some rollerblades from K-Mart. We were going to go for a skate yesterday but she twisted her ankle. However I then watched Whip It (great movie) and was completely in the mood to don mum's rollerskates, so another friend biked over to join me today. I can't roller blade. I'm told it's the same if not easier, but I've never been one to take the easy option =P I never learnt though my best friend did try to teach me once around her house which was set amongst fig trees. As you can imagine the footpath was not conducive of learning!
I skated 6km all the way to the beach and only stacked it twice! Once at a dip before a gutter, at which point Ryan, who had seen the dip, was prepared to catch me when I crashed into him. And a second stack which occured when trying to avoid a grate on the path and an old man simultaneously. I failed but the nice old man saved me from face planting...