I first saw this dress on Rebecca's blog The Clothes Horse, (like a stalker I check her blog every day haha) and loved it. This is the post, and her photos do the dress more justice. She's incredibly lucky to live where she does I think, it always looks so pretty . There's something very quirky about it that just fits me. And I do love an individual piece of clothing. I can make my own clothes, but I'm lazy, all the better to pay someone else to make lovely things for me. Rebecca collaborated with desinger NeeNee to come up with this fantastic creation. Feel free to check her out on Etsy, there's some interesting things there, though this is my favourite.
The beautiful fabric is nice and heavy to hold its shape and I think will be a most excellent special occasion dress for winter.
I really can't commend this dress enough. It's perfectly made and beautifully lined.
Enjoy. x