So I gave it a bit of thought and went and pulled out two gorgeous fabrics that I haven't used yet. I think they are my favourites of all that I have in storage for potential sewing.
Yes, I have a thing for owls. Not that you would ever guess...
I know what I want to do with the first I think. It sprang to mind when I saw it in a shop in a little historic town near here and I believe in going with first instincts. Its such a cute fabric, a really nice shade of navy with light blue line drawings of owls. They are about the size of a 5cent piece so you'd probably have to be close to me to realise that they were owls, but the important thing is that I know that they are owls.
Apologies for the dodgy photo. The light in here isn't great and my scanner is playing hide and seek. It must be playing with my watercolour set.
So I just want to make a simple button down skirt with a plain navy waist band and a nice full swing to it. Its just a cotton fabric so it should sit well enough for my purposes.
The second fabric is a bit harder. When I purchased it I knew I wanted it but I had no idea what I would do with it and there wasn't much left on the roll, so I don't have very much of it. Sadly I've never seen it again.
It's kind of see through so I will have to find a thin navy or black fabric to line it with. I have 3 ideas. 2 skirts and a dress.
As I mentioned my good set of watercolours is playing hide and seek and my other set rather ruined this drawing. I am however sick, and far too lazy to redraw the whole page. The mess to the side is a loose hanging waisted skirt with a simple thin band that zips up at the back and has pretend buttons down the front in 2 sets of 3. It also has pleats and an underlay of a darker fabric. The other skirt is layered over a thick navy or black underskirt that poufs it out a bit and solves the see through issue.
Last idea is a retro style summer dress with adjustable straps threaded through gathering at the neck. It has an elastic waist and a false button down front. Yes, I like buttons, false or functional. I've had my eye on a few dresses like these lately. I have a small waist and they are quite flattering. And the fabric would fall well in this style I think.
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