My process of getting dressed is probably remarkably similar to that of a 5 yr old playing dress ups. I never choose an outfit the night before or even an hour before unless I have a new item I simply must wear or I have a special occasion that limits my wardrobe. Otherwise about half an hour before I go out I start selecting clothes. I give a brief thought to what I will be doing in those clothes but
most thought goes into how I am feeling. 90% of the time at this stage in my life it is something vintage or maybe slightly Indie.
However in the past 21years of my life I have visited the more
bohemian hippie side of styling and the more gothic/punk side as well. Both I would say are an influence from my mother. As a child she dressed me in mostly Tree Of Life style clothing (if you don't know this shop
read hippie style flowing dresses and hippie tops and long skirts), then when I hit high school I started to borrow from her wardrobe a bit, which led to the more gothic/punk trend. I tended to mix hippie and punk, I'm sure the results were...interesting. I can't really remember haha.
I still love Tree Of Life clothing and many of my highschool years were spent in the company of a decidely gothy friend. As such I find it hard to kick the punk look completely and I think I will always have a love for a proper steel boned corset.
A properly fitted one feels like a permanent hug, I swear. And who can resist borrowing things from your mum's wardrobe when she was a punk/goth in the 80's and was pretty much the same size as you.
So, I switch between styles depending on mood.
Today is Tuesday. I love Tuesdays. Tuesdays are my
self appointed day off and I can never do work on them. That would spoil them. So today I went for a walk to my favourite escape point. I like it because it is within walking distance and hardly anybody goes there. It is a lookout point at the end of a mangrove boardwalk. I like to put my feet over the end and
lie there in the sun and cloud watch. It's a good place to go if I am upset or have some thinking to do.
Fishermen pants are possibly the most comfortable pants ever. I only own 3 pairs of pants. One pair of charcoal jeans. One pair of men's tweed slacks. And these. Oh and
pyjama pants, but not tracksuit pants.

hanging out in my sister's roomOn a side note the
mulberries are out! As a child I used to walk to the one around the corner and come home with purple hands. The lady who owned the tree once gave me a white mulberry from in her garden.
It tasted strangely like apricots. I think this summer I will make jam. Probably not mulberry jam though, I think that would be ridiculously